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public rubber

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  1. Buckeye Fans: ‘Stadium Scarlet’ Compost Has Ohio State Roots and Will Grow Them

    Marked bins are in all the big public areas. But the volume is such that they’re sent to a larger ...

  2. Ohio State University Offers Agritourism Safety Tips for Consumers, Farmers

    Plan hayride and sleigh ride routes so they do not cross public roads or highways. Ensure that any ...

  3. Farm Science Review 2014: Plan your show

     Be sure to visit the AgCrops Team demonstration plots as you enter the show from the public parking ...

  4. 'An Ohio State Story': Lab Idea Yields 60 Local Jobs, New Green Industry

    and over and over again." Gee emphasized the importance of public-private partnerships to drive ...

  5. 2016 Ohio Intensive Soybean Management Workshop

    person.  Lunch will be provided.  The following publications will be provided to all participants: 1.       ...

  6. Ohio State University Researchers Working with Farmers to Protect Ohio Water Quality, Lessen Algal Blooms

    said.   CFAES, OSU Extension and OARDC are crucial partners as farmers work to meet the public ...

  7. Now is the Time to Check Your Nozzles

    generate nozzle recommendations in their Apps. A new Ohio State University Extension Publication, entitled ... spray nozzle for a given application situation. The publication is available online at following web ...

  8. OSU Extension Offers Businesses Training, Advice on Renewable Energy Production

    including representatives from Ohio State, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, the Ohio ...

  9. Now is the Time to Fine Tune Your Sprayer

    of the newsletter. In the mean time, you can check the OSU Extension publication on boom sprayer ... calibration. Here is the URL for this publication: ...

  10. 4-H Growing in Urban Communities

    parliamentary procedures, participate in community service projects, and have opportunities to do public ...
