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  1. Review session to answer questions about animal antibiotic use, resistance

    Veterinary Medicine and Public Health. Antibiotics also may be used to control or prevent disease in ...

  2. OSU Income Tax Schools Set for November, December

    attorneys, enrolled agents, certified public accountants and certified financial planners. The schools also ...

  3. Researchers: Food May Be Source of C. diff Infections

    Sciences. "We want to encourage public health officials to look at food as a possibility." ... a recent issue of Food Technology, the official publication of the Institute of Food Technologists. They ...

  4. Scarlet or Not, Ohio State Works to Make Sure Your Poinsettias Are the Best

    are constantly trying to keep the public interested with something new and better. The growers, on the other ... with a sale to the public, which helps fund the school's greenhouse program. "The ...

  5. Saturated Soils Could Pose Risk to Well Water

    Technology Learning Lab website, and on Extension's website, ...

  6. Extension Publication Teaches Importance of Animal Health and Safety

    The publication covers controlling external biosecurity sources, such as the movement of animals, ...

  7. Ohio State, Iceland's University and Soil Service Sign Cooperation Agreements

    warming, land restoration and green energy. Ohio State awarded Grímsson an honorary doctorate for public ...

  8. Germplasm Center Reviving Old-Style Petunias

    not uncommon, but what makes these so special is that they haven't been in the public eye for ...

  9. Field Day to Focus on Drought Situation

    utilization under drought-stressed situations. The field day is free and open to the public. Free refreshments ...

  10. French Scientists to Speak on Water Runoff, Soil Erosion, New Role-playing Conservation Game March 29

    (AMP) will present a free public lecture, "Surface Water Runoff and Soil Erosion Research in Upper ...
