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  1. Marijke Hecht

    I worked as a public-school math & science teacher in my hometown of NYC and as an environmental ... Environmental Center, a public education and welcome center that is net-zero water and energy and is LEED ... resume or CV Publications See my  Google Scholar page   Links to associated lab or research web sites: ...

  2. Bat Walk at Chadwick Arboretum North

    research, and educating the public. The last 2 years, he was a part time naturalist at Highbanks Metro Park ...

  3. Dr. Benjamin Enger recognized with West Agro Inc. Award

    adulteration, particularly by those contaminants that have significance to public health; or product technology. ...

  4. SENR Announcements, July 15

    Publications Add paragraph:  Copy:  Arunrat N, Sansupa C, Sereenonchai S, Hatano R, Lal R.  Fire-Induced ...

  5. Events

    events in our gardens. Many are open to the public while others are reserved for members of specific ... organizations.  Our calendar of events includes all events, while highlighting those that are open to the public ...

  6. Award Winning Faculty and Staff

    Teaching Award Rafael Jimenez-Flores- 2003 Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) ...

  7. Brian H. Lower

    nanocrystals in Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 Publication type: Journal article Our Author(s): Steven K. ...

  8. Membership and Giving

    needed to run a public garden.  Additionally, membership is an investment in the future of horticulture. ... public garden experience. In turn, this valuable experience helps our students become successful ... visit gardens by offering free or reduced entrance fees to 345+ public gardens and arboreta across the ...

  9. Visit Us

    practices, and proper management and use of public lands. On average, 93.5% of SENR grads are employed or ...

  10. Joseph Campbell

    Selected Publications Campbell, Joseph T., Lobao, Linda, and Betz, Michael (2017). “Collaborative Counties: ...
