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  1. SAVE THE DATE- September 29- 30, 2017 MGV State Conference

    Public Radio’s food show, The Splendid Table, and has recently been named by Organic Gardening Magazine ...

  2. Miami County Master Gardener Pruning School

    Room 201 W. Main St. Troy, OH 45373 $50 for general public $30 for out-of-county MGVs Deadline for ...

  3. MGV State Conference Registration Opens

    is a frequent guest on National Public Radio’s food show, The Splendid Table, and has recently been ...

  4. SAVE THE DATE- September 29- 30, 2017 MGV State Conference

    is a frequent guest on National Public Radio’s food show, The Splendid Table, and has recently been ...

  5. Fayette MGVs Sponsor County's First Daylily Show

    Plans included a class for the public on how to properly prepare a daylily for a show.       The show ... was a one-day show that anyone could enter. On the day of the show, the judging was open to the public ...

  6. Outstanding Volunteers, Friends and Projected Recognized

    Butterfly & Pollinator Garden, the third phase to the Outdoor Learning Center for Conneaut City Public ... newspaper articles on 15 of the most common Ohio Invasive Species in order to educate the public about the ... spread the word about the MGV program and helped educate the public about the items displayed. Invasive ...

  7. Hardin MGVs Emphasize the Importance of Native Plants

    A Native Plant Program.” The goal of the program was to increase both the public awareness of the need to ...

  8. Hardin MGVs Emphasize the Importance of Native Plants

    A Native Plant Program.” The goal of the program was to increase both the public awareness of the need to ...

  9. Hardin County’s Evening Garden Affair Attracts a Crowd

    AgrAbility Program to present a public program on Gardening with Arthritis and Gardening as We Age. The crowd ...

  10. Daylilies Topic of Evening Garden Affair in Hardin County

    Daylilies:  Creating Stunning, Carefree Summer Gardens."  This program is free and open to the public ...
