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public rubber

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  1. Make plans now for dormant fruit tree management

    Production Guide” publication by The Ohio State University.                 Branching off of fertilizing, ... purchasing any of the publications mentioned in this article, give your county OSU Extension Office a call, ... or visit to find a full listing of all of the OSU Extension publications ...

  2. Faces of Ohio 4-H — Linda Roe Joseph

    and lead. I also developed my public speaking abilities through project demonstrations,” she said. Her ...

  3. Q&A with Dr. Carin A. Helfer

    Rubber Company in Akron, Ohio. She left Goodyear to pursue a Ph.D. in Polymer Science at The University ... structure-property relationships of synthetic polymers and biopolymers, in particular, natural rubber, with a focus ... properties. Although polymers include plastics and rubber, our lab is mainly interested in rubber. A current ...

  4. Foundation Grants Spark New Career Paths

    program, the teens gained skills in leadership, time management, and public speaking and learned how to ...

  5. FABE Researcher Creates Innovative Medical Gloves

    developed uses rubber from guayule, a shrub native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. ... her team have created uses guayule natural rubber, which does not cause allergic reactions, according ... typically prefer gloves made from natural rubber because they are stronger, provide better protection ...

  6. Take the "Unwrap Your Gifts" Wellness Challenge!

    information, For an accessible format of this publication ...

  7. COVID-19 and Deer Hunting Pathogen Safety

    your nose and mouth. Wear rubber or disposable gloves when handling the carcass. Take the gloves off ...

  8. Overholt International Drainage Hall of Fame Inducts Two Drainage Experts

    industry and in public service has encompassed research and practice, and he has helped translate ...

  9. Celebration of Youth Recap

    Hunt, a Dark e County 4-H alumna and a geologist, paleontologist, and public information specialist with ...

  10. Megan Frilling

    publication of the 4-H Highlights newsletter Manages the 4-H Foundation’s social media channels and creates ...
