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  1. Does Intergovernmental Competition Improve the Business Environment? presented by Teju Velayudhan, OSU Department of Economics

    10:00am. The event is open to the public. RSVPs are not required but seating is limited. Abstract: ...  Corruption, red tape, and underprovision of public goods impose significant burdens on firms in developing ... public expenditure and receive revenue from business licensing and fees, split into smaller districts, ...

  2. Latest Papers

    Paper, IATRC Public Trade Policy Research and Analysis Symposium, Seville, Spain, June 2013 B. Anderson ...

  3. OARDC Impacts

    severity, and crop production practices. The findings led to the publication of a comprehensive catalog of ... industry information is perceived by the public. The industry has found itself in several tough situations, ... communication strategies and message design for public messaging related to agricultural communications. While ...

  4. Ahmed Yousef named a CFAES Distinguished Professor

    University, and/or the public. It is essential that such professorships are reserved for the most ...

  5. Bruce Braine

    Bruce Braine Lecturer MBA, Economics and Public Policy, Stanford University ...

  6. John Newton selected for CFAES Distinguished Alumni Award

    4 at 7:00pm EST  via YouTube Premier.  The Distinguished Alumni Award gives public recognition to those ...

  7. Outreach

    2003-04 I. Sheldon, "Anti-globalization and Free Trade" 2002-03 Outreach Publications: Go to the ...

  8. Campus Sustainability Report 2019 Now Available!

    goals. 3. Make water quality every Buckeye’s responsibility. Natural areas with public access were ...

  9. Seminar Series

    Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 and are open to the public and reservations are not required.  If you would ...

  10. Looking for a COVID-19 early warning

    Public health professor’s lab monitoring campus, state wastewater Hard at work on the fourth floor ... other public health threats like polio, antimicrobial resistance and opioids. Lee’s lab developed unique ...
