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  1. Diverse Group of Experts in Economics, Business and Law to Weigh in on U.S. Trade Policy

    paper on trade in the University Of Pennsylvania Journal Of Law & Public Affairs. Over coffee, the ...

  2. "Contracting for Ecological Infrastructure in the Panama Canal Watershed: Ex Ante Assessment of Benefits, Costs, and Capital Market Failures”

    open to the public. RSVPs are not required. Abstract: Coasian contracts are an appropriate market ...

  3. Much Fridge Food 'Goes There to Die'

    public messaging that will work in driving down waste. "Our results suggest that strategies to ...

  4. How Important are Indivisible Investments for Savings and Development? Experimental Evidence from Uganda

    investments. This event is open to the public. No RSVP is necessary. ...

  5. "Are estimates of food insecurity among college students accurate? Comparison of assessment procedures

    the public. No RSVP is necessary. Seating is limited. Abstract:  A growing body of literature suggests ...

  6. Outstanding Students Recognized for Impact Beyond the Classroom

    Program.   Rudoff and 29 other students who are studying public affairs through OSU’s John Glenn School of ... Public Affairs lived and took classes together, while participating in various internships around D.C.  ...

  7. Algal blooms cost Ohio homeowners $152 million

    structural characteristics across homes, and spatially varying provision of public services such as school ... the costs and benefits of fighting algae, but also the public’s algae tolerance: how much is too much, ... algal levels in Lake Erie and all major inland lakes. Further, Ohio is a “public disclosure” state, ...

  8. Lawrence (Larry) W. Libby

    Interim Director of the John Glenn School of Public Affairs at Ohio State until his retirement at the end ...

  9. Ohio State Launches New One Year Master’s Degree Program in Applied Economics

    economic analysis. The program’s core courses are supplemented with electives in fields such as public ... and applied economics programs and as a top eight program within U.S. public institutions. The ... all U.S. public institutions. ...

  10. Ohio State Launches New One Year Master’s Degree Program in Applied Economics

    economic analysis. The program’s core courses are supplemented with electives in fields such as public ... and applied economics programs and as a top eight program within U.S. public institutions. The ... been ranked as a top ten program among all U.S. public institutions. ...
