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  1. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    being directly affected, such as community managers and the general public. This webinar will provide an ...

  2. State 4-H Horse Communications Contest- Individual Presentation

    following categories: Public Speaking, Individual Presentation and Team Presentation. Junior and Senior ...

  3. New Healthy Soil Program Launched

    consultants; agricultural retailers; salesmen; underserved populations; and the general public.-30- WRITER(S):  ...

  4. State 4-H Horse Communications Contest- Team Presentation

    compete in the following categories: Public Speaking, Individual Presentation and Team Presentation. ...

  5. ESGP Seminar: Engaging the Public and Decision Makers on Climate Change

    University School of Communication on Friday, Feb. 1st. Nisbet will present Engaging the Public and Decision ...

  6. OSU Outreach and Engagement Forum

    the university. The event is free and open to the public. A listing of programs participating in the ...

  7. Kaley Donovan Thesis

    Songbird Habitat Models on the Landscape-scale in Southeast Ohio’s Public Forestland Kaley Jean ...

  8. Jan. 11 Environmental Professionals Event Will Feature Ohio State’s Lonnie Thompson

    is open to both network members and the public. The cost is $10 by cash, check or Ohio State ...

  9. morpc's Summit on Sustainability & the Environment

    climate-related impacts on public health, natural resources and infrastructure.  For more information or to ...

  10. Dr. Francis Fluharty to Retire After 35 Years of Service

    publications regarding ruminant nutrition and animal growth in his career at Ohio State. Dr. Fluharty also ...
