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  1. Corn Stalks Provide Another Grazing Option

    According to a Penn State Extension publication entitled “Grazing Corn Stalks with Beef Cattle”, for every ...

  2. The Ohio Cooperative Development Center and OSU Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Developmental Economics prepare the next generation of cooperative leaders

    the major challenges OCDC faces when providing education and technical assistance to the public and ... reaches far beyond their personal learning, providing public education in an accessible and engaging ... 101. The training will be housed in the public access version of Canvas, The Ohio State University’s ...

  3. Wayne County Rural Youth "Square and Line Dance"

    7:30.  Admission is $4/person and refreshments will be served.  The public is invited and all ages are ...

  4. Agricultural Feature Writing

    journalism courses to produce the AgriNaturalist, a student publication of the College of Food, Agricultural, ...

  5. Publications

    management practices, products, and cultivars discussed in this publication are the research- and ...

  6. Control Poison Hemlock Now

    publication A 3620; “Alfalfa Stand Assessment: Is this stand good enough to keep?” ...

  7. Extension Professional's Conference

    the public institutions of which I am a part. I Believe in my own work and in the opportunities I have ...

  8. Direct Marketing

    a variety of methods including in-person, online, publications, and the ability to connect with our team ...

  9. Rain Damage to Hay

    publication says, “Each time cut forages are wetted by rain, respiration is prolonged or begins again in cases ... forage, summarized from the University of Wisconsin publication are: For a given rainfall amount, a low ...

  10. The cloud and the changing face of agriculture

    around the country will demonstrate how massive public data sets of satellite photos and other ... agriculture Amazon Web Services’ massive collection of public data sets includes 85,000 images from Landsat 8. ... As one of the nation’s most comprehensive public research institutions, The Ohio State University is ...
