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public rubber

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  1. Garden Walk: Mari Sunami Community Garden

    and harvesting.   The walks are free and open to the public so bring your friends and your questions! ...

  2. This professor is pioneering sustainable rubber

    Katrina Cornish is growing a precious natural resource in our own backyard. Click here to read more. ...

  3. Kyle Benzle

    understanding and enhancing the biosynthetic pathway for the rubber precursor in Taraxacum kok-sahgyz. ...

  4. Policies

    the library computer lab), and 3 iMac computers available for public use. The computers have no time ...

  5. National Garden Week: Community Garden Party

    open to the public Activities Include: Seed and plant giveaway by Greater Columbus Growing Coalition ...

  6. A Rubber Producing Dandelion May Mean a Solution to Deforestation Problems in Asia

    hand!) from rubber trees, mostly in southeast Asia- enough to fill over 5,200 Olympic-sized swimming ...

  7. Study shows potential for Earth-friendly plastic replacement

    natural rubber with bioplastic in a novel way results in a much stronger replacement for plastic, one that ...

  8. Cornish Joins Panel Charged with Steering Course of Biofuels R&D

    Katrina Cornish, an internationally recognized authority on alternative natural rubber ...

  9. Information for Faculty and Staff

    university's  Digital Accessibility Policy  requires all publicly posted videos to be captioned, and all virtual ... unit's expense) for any special event on campus that is open to the public and is expected to have 100+ ...

  10. Sara Mastellar receives award

    public and private institutions and the equine industry that strive to educate undergraduates within an ...
