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  1. Campus Sustainability Report 2019 Now Available!

    goals. 3. Make water quality every Buckeye’s responsibility. Natural areas with public access were ...

  2. Seminar Series

    Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 and are open to the public and reservations are not required.  If you would ...

  3. Heterogeneity, Measurement Error, and Misallocation: Evidence from African Agriculture

    beginning at 10:00am. The event is open to the public. RSVPs are not required but seating is limited. ...

  4. Securing a food system that faltered

    public alike felt the vulnerabilities of a food system that had, for years, dependably delivered meat and ...

  5. Fridge Study Reveals American Buying, Storing, and Consuming Trends During COVID-19

    working to educate the public and promote the reduction and redirection of food waste. According to the ... studies, the researchers want to identify opportunities to design policy or public messaging that will work ...

  6. OSU Economist: U.S., Ohio Economies Will See Continued but Slow Growth

    commending or reprimanding these public officials.”  Creativity in terms of education and human capital ... meetings are open to the public. A meal is provided with each meeting and is included in the registration ...

  7. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT – Fire Extinguishers on the Farm

    tips on their public education webpage at ... Make your farm a safer place by installing fire extinguishers and training employees how to ...

  8. Does Quarantine Stockpiling Lead to Future Food Waste?

    online open access publication series  Applied Economics Teaching Resources. To learn more, visit  ...

  9. AEDE’s Siddhartha Bora Awarded 2021 William E. Krauss Director’s Award for Excellence in Graduate Research

    Sciences to a current or recently graduated Ph.D. student that has produced a peer reviewed publication of ...

  10. Agricultural Policy and Outlook conference series to kick off Dec. 1

    the Lake Erie algae problem from the view of farmers and the general public. Ian Sheldon, an ... and potential crop profitability in 2015. The county meetings, which are open to the public, will be ...
