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public rubber

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  1. Calendar of events

    support the mission of 4-H. Open to the public, no entry fee. For more information, email ...

  2. Tree University: Shrubs for the Home Landscape

    a frequent writer for popular gardening magazines as well as trade publications.  Pam teaches in Ohio, ...

  3. Samson Girma

    Samson Girma Fellow Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI) Samson Girma is an ... expert in the field of public health microbiology and has extensive experience and training in laboratory ... diagnostic, food, and drinking water microbiology at the Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Food and Nutrition ...

  4. Faces of Ohio

    eventual career in public relations. “My year as the Ohio Fairs’ Queen led me to pursue a degree in ...

  5. South Centers Team Wins Grant to Improve Teaching and Research on Carbon Cycles at Tyumen State University in Russia

    program. Bradford Sherman, Publications and Media Editor at South Centers, will edit course materials for ...

  6. Faces of Ohio 4-H

    projects were beef cattle and sheep, and I also took livestock judging, meats judging, public speaking, ...

  7. CDC and FDA Are Investigating Several Multistate Outbreaks of E. coli Infections

    CDC, public health and regulatory officials in several states, and the U.S. Food and Drug ...

  8. Down on the farm

    an event with the Dover Public Library to introduce youth to 4-H and farm animals. When the pandemic ... their public-speaking skills and promote 4-H to families.” You can go down on the farm, too and view ...

  9. Growing and Enjoying Lilacs in Central Ohio Webinar

    Flowers and Perfume Public Collections and Festivals to Visit Well-Known Lilacs This event is sponsored by ...

  10. Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Safety Webinar: Food Safety and One Health: Approaches to Reducing Foodborne Pathogens and Zoonotic Diseases

    Human and animal health are tightly linked: Foodborne pathogens and parasites are persistent public ...
