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  1. “Play Your Way Through the Holidays” Email Wellness Challenge

    an accessible format of this publication,   BINGO CARD: To get ...

  2. Leadership Development Programs

    of a productive relationship with citizens and why it is the responsibility of those holding public ... surroundings, techniques that encourage attendance and productive participation, requirements of a public ... meeting and the difference between a public meeting and public hearing. While the focus in on how public ...

  3. University of Arkansas- Animal Science Graduate Research

    collection, program implementation, animal husbandry, data analyses, technical writing and public speaking. ... needs. Scholarly activity resulting in peer reviewed publications and presentations is required. This ... analyses, technical writing and public speaking. Teaching undergraduate courses in animal science may also ...

  4. Dairy Research Position

    effectively manage multiple projects Enthusiasm for engagement with students and the public in a variety of ...

  5. Sara Mastellar elected to NAEAA Executive Committee

    representing individuals from public and private institutions and the equine industry that strive to educate ...

  6. Take-home COVID testing kits

    results from these kits, but local public health authorities will be notified. Ohio State students and ...

  7. William E. Krauss Director's Award for Outstanding Publication by a Graduate Student, Yusheng Guo

    Yusheng Guo, Graduate Research Associate in the Department of Animal Sciences and Center for Food Animal Health Advised by Anastasia Vlasova Assistant Professor in the Department of Animal Sciences and Center for Food Animal Health Yusheng Guo was a gradu ...

  8. Safe Medication Practices for Better Health

    when misused.  The misuse of prescription medications is one of our country’s most pressing public ...

  9. Pesticide and Fertilizer License Information

    commercial license area also includes applicators who work for a government or public agency such as a K-12 ... apply to sites accessible to the public and private companies such as landscapers and lawncare services. ...

  10. Generation RX-Safe Medication Practices

    prescription medications is one of our country’s most pressing public health problems, with adverse drug events ...
