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public rubber

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  1. Ohio State leading new $15 million project to study carbon farming as climate change solution

    public. “Through this work, we will impact policy and agricultural practices on a national and worldwide ...

  2. July 2022 Department Highlights

    academic year to receive their recognition and to give a public lecture in the department. FST Interim ...

  3. Cornish Joins Panel Charged with Steering Course of Biofuels R&D

    Katrina Cornish, an internationally recognized authority on alternative natural rubber ...

  4. Other

    Increased Yield Geographic variation in natural rubber yields in natural populations of Helianthus annuus ...

  5. Thousands raised for Ronald McDonald House at Dean’s Charity Steer Show

    Dale Minyo, farm broadcaster, Ohio Ag Net. Celebrity exhibitors included Troy Balderson, public ...

  6. Hydroponics

    transformation target tissue Rubber Accumulation and Storage in Laticifer Cells of Taraxacum kok-saghyz Roots ...

  7. Lauren Slutzky

    development of natural rubber latex, using multi-variate statistics to define manufacturing parameters and ...

  8. EnergyEne Looks for Investment, Expansion into Guayule Products

    rubber with a radiation attenuation glove that doesn't trigger latex allergies and has better ...

  9. EPN Breakfast- March 22, 2022, And Water for All: A World Water Day documentary film screening and discussion on water access and affordability in Ohio

    Follette School of Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, discusses policy, financial and ... Teodoro, PhD. associate professor, La Follette School of Public Affairs at the University of ... Wisconsin-Madison Dr. Teodoro’s research stands at the nexus of politics, public policy, and public management. His ...

  10. Certified Crop Adviser Exam Preparation

    $250/person and includes publications, lunch both days, and course materials. Class size is limited to 25 ... recorded online course is $155/person. Publications are not included but a list of suggested publications ...
