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public rubber

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  1. Health and Well-being

    As the industrial nature of the agricultural community becomes more popular, public concern over ... production has relatively little impact on attitudes and behavior of the public based on OSU research, recent ...

  2. Nationwide, The Ohio State University “green” light AgTech Innovation Hub

    farm and life insurance; public and private sector retirement plans, annuities and mutual funds; excess ...

  3. Two approaches to reduce food waste: Lessons learned from US EPA sustainable materials management projects in Ohio

    community, save money and improve public health. In this webinar groups funded via US EPA’s Sustainable ...

  4. The Ohio State University chosen as research home for Starlab’s George Washington Carver Science Park Terrestrial Laboratory

    public-private partnerships in one of the most sought-after space destinations on this planet,” said  John ...

  5. 2022 CFAES Award Recipients

    for Outstanding Publication by a Graduate Student Click here to join the event ...

  6. Science in 60 seconds

    information out to the public in quick, relatable ways to lessen the mystery of science and to make learning ...

  7. Dr. Kinder award recipient of the 2022 L.E. Casida Award for Graduate Student Mentorship

    physiology courses and published countless peer-reviewed publications of which nearly all had graduate ...

  8. Certified Crop Adviser Exam Preparation

    $250/person and includes publications, lunch both days, and course materials. Class size is limited to 25 ... recorded online course is $155/person. Publications are not included but a list of suggested publications ...

  9. Below-average harmful algal bloom predicted for western Lake Erie

    forecasts directly to coastal resource managers, public health officials and the public. In addition to the  ...

  10. EPN Breakfast- March 22, 2022, And Water for All: A World Water Day documentary film screening and discussion on water access and affordability in Ohio

    Follette School of Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, discusses policy, financial and ... Teodoro, PhD. associate professor, La Follette School of Public Affairs at the University of ... Wisconsin-Madison Dr. Teodoro’s research stands at the nexus of politics, public policy, and public management. His ...
