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  1. Why Public Spaces Are Critical Social Infrastructure

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  2. A Morning in the Garden

    is open to the public for free. Registration is preferred but not required for this session. Find ...

  3. Publications Available from the Kettering Foundation

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  4. 2019 Public Issues Leadership Development

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  5. Rubber Industry's Auto Suppliers Find Inspiration in Unlikely Places

    Sometime in the mid-1990s, when Katrina Cornish saw a load of freshly picked tomatoes in a hopper being transported from a farm on the back of a truck.  She didn't view that load of tomatoes as most people would. She wondered instead about the tomato ...

  6. Let's Jam, and learn more about jam making and food preservation!

    public for a nominal fee. Find details and registration information on this program along with three ...

  7. Jumping into Civic Life: Stories of Public Work from Extension Professionals

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  8. Lawn Care 101; The Basics of the Perfect Lawn

    cooperation with  Pickerington Parks and Recreation and is open to the public for a nominal fee. Find details and ...

  9. Kirwan Institute Launches Nation's First Free & Publicly Available Online Implicit Bias Training

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  10. Entrepreneurial Innovation Introductory Guide

    entrepreneurship in public sector organizations (Jordan, 1990; Moore, 1983). Creating value for customers, putting ... purpose of public organizations (Morris & Kuratko, 2002). Participants learn to improve: Awareness of ...
