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public rubber

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  1. Rubber Industry's Auto Suppliers Find Inspiration in Unlikely Places

    Sometime in the mid-1990s, when Katrina Cornish saw a load of freshly picked tomatoes in a hopper being transported from a farm on the back of a truck.  She didn't view that load of tomatoes as most people would. She wondered instead about the tomato ...

  2. New Pricing for OSU Extension Publications

    distribution of OSU Extension and other for-sale publications. As a result of increased costs associated with ... a $15 publication as an example): $15 (no discount). Ohio residents purchasing through county office: ... CD bulletin (using a $15 publication as an example): $12 (advertised in 4-H Family Guide; all others ...

  3. From Natural Rubber to Medical Glove

    An Ohio State University researcher and her team have created the first medical glove that can block radiation while meeting federal guidelines and not triggering allergic reactions.  Check it out here. ...

  4. Preventing Hearing Loss

    tight and snuggly bolted down. Add rubber pads to the base of table-mounted equipment to keep the tool ...

  5. Welcoming Everyone to your Farm or Business

    to the public? Is your farm or business welcoming to people with disabilities? The American’s with ... a person in a wheelchair access your property, public bathrooms, barns, and activity or program areas? Do ...

  6. Dandelions Ruin Your Front Yard but Could Be the Future of the Rubber Industry

    Scientists have been tackling the vexing issue for decades, trying new tactics and engineering new equipment. Researchers have traveled to the high plains in Kazakhstan in pursuit. Companies and governments are spending heavily.  Their mission: Grow more ...

  7. International Society of Arboriculture honors Dan Herms

    Harris Author's Citation is given to authors for sustained excellence in the publication of timely ... publications to guide arborists, fellow scientists, and students in arboriculture and urban forestry," ... publications, including more than 70 peer-reviewed publications and book chapters on such topics as emerald ash ...

  8. Agricultural Equipment

    What are the chances that you will be involved in a farm machinery collision on a public road? ...

  9. Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Ohio AgrAbility workshops and exhibits at the 2018 Farm Science Review

    disabilities? If it is open to the public, it needs to be accessible. Come learn why and how to make sure your ...

  10. 2017 Outstanding Senior Awards Recipients

    from veterinary medicine, such as marine mammal medicine or public health.   Lydia Bednarski Academic ... deforestation; intern experience at Trust for Public Land, LAND studio, and Green Columbus What is your favorite ... Education, and Leadership Major: Agricultural Communication/ Public Affairs Hometown: Sycamore, OH What are ...
