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  1. Tis The Season for Soil Testing

    service. There are many public and private labs that do test soil. Here is a link to a FactSheet that is ...

  2. Canning Preparation

    good condition. *Avoid closures such as zinc caps and glass lids that require a jar rubber.  These do ...

  3. Farmland Rental Prices

    Unfortunately, the region including Wayne County is not published publicly, as few surveys were returned. But ...

  4. Don't Overlook Sprayer Calibration

    publication FABE-520 for travel distances for other spacings, and for an explanation for selection of these ... Publication FABE-520 on Calibration you can find optimum travel speed and pressure much faster. Recalibrate ...

  5. 2020 Gardening During Covid-19

    FactSheet on Soil Testing and includes a list of both private and public labs – some of the labs are ... OSU Extension FactSheet on Soil Testing and includes a list of both private and public labs – some ...

  6. Prevented Plant Acres Management

    Wayne County Extension web site with links to resources including articles, publications, presentations ...

  7. Sounds of Silence

    public health threat  by the World Health Organization (WHO). Noise can be annoying, distracting, ...

  8. What's the Deal with Composting? Here's the Breakdown

    The Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (S.A.R.E.) publication “Building Soils for Better ...

  9. Fall Hay Harvest, Weed Control, and Agritourism

    to create an operating plan as both a public health measure and a safeguard for the future of the ...

  10. Farmer’s Tax Guide

    IRS publication 225, Farmer’s Tax Guide for use in preparing 2015 returns is now available for ... free at the Wayne County Extension office.  The publication explains how the federal tax laws apply to ...
