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  1. Conservatory temporarily off limits

    conservatory is closed to the public.  ...

  2. FSIS Public Meeting on “Roadmap to Reduce Salmonella”

    By Dr. Kara Morgan The FSIS " Roadmap to Reduce Salmonella " was published on Friday September 18, and a public meeting was held on Tuesday September 22.  In her opening comments, Dr. Mindy Brashears, Undersecretary for Food Safety, explained ...

  3. Before you hit that send button...

    Wednesday Wire instead. With weekly publication, there should be few instances when something MUST be sent ...

  4. The Power of 'You Can'

    Chemistry, physics, math, public speaking often present students with challenges. What is our role as an ...

  5. Watch This!

    YouTube. Additionally, all shows are also carried on PTV (Perkins Telecommunications), a public educational ... Hillsboro public access television. The South Centers YouTube channel, which had 147 public uploads in 2018, ... even more traction on more public education television stations. Anyone interested in either hosting ...

  6. Helpful Resources for Fruit Growers

    Blueberry Production Guide This regional publication, to which I was a key contributor, was published in ...

  7. AGCOMM 2367 Agricultural Issues in Contemporary Society

                                        How can animal producer groups converse with the public that the animal agriculture industry ... balances production effiencies with the public's expectation of enironmental stewardship and animal ...

  8. The Ohio Cooperative Development Center and OSU Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Developmental Economics prepare the next generation of cooperative leaders

    the major challenges OCDC faces when providing education and technical assistance to the public and ... reaches far beyond their personal learning, providing public education in an accessible and engaging ... 101. The training will be housed in the public access version of Canvas, The Ohio State University’s ...

  9. News: Garden open house is Aug. 3 and 4

    6-9 p.m. and Saturday, Aug. 4 from 9 a.m. to noon and is free and open to the public. Delicacies like ...

  10. 2019 Great Decisions series at COW addresses global health

    a documentary directed and written by Janet Tobias that explores the global, political, economic, and public ... on innovative research in ecology, biodiversity and public health.  Wolfe formerly held the Lorry I. ...
