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  1. News Tips and Events for the Week of Dec. 17

    public and private sectors who are making targeted efforts to mitigate and adapt to greenhouse ...

  2. Fairfield County Cattlemen's Association Banquet

    silent auction of beef related items and baked goods, and a visit from Emily Jackson, Director of Public ...

  3. Ohio State ATI is solar exam provider

    offers the public a high degree of protection because practitioners have to voluntarily meet standards ...

  4. Secure Milk Supply: Ohio’s Role

    a public health or food safety concern. Clinically, the virus results in blisters on the animals feet, ...

  5. What Does Discovery of Bovine Tuberculosis in a Herd in Ohio Mean for Ohio Livestock Farmers?

    infected herds, and paying indemnity for them, has become very expensive and harder to justify to a public ... a tremendous investment in public and private resources, and the unaffected farms in that state share heavily ... options will not mitigate disease spread, there is an imminent public or animal health risk, and/or it is ...

  6. A New Voice for Ohio Dairy Producers

    as a supporter in many ODP publications. Individuals can either join as "Individual ... to receive future publications. Only individual producers are eligible to vote or run for the 10 ...

  7. Emerita Profile: Shirley Badger

    Shirley had taught in the Pennsylvania public schools for six years, including junior and senior high ...

  8. News: Garcia earns Registered Corporate Coach certification

    business professionals from all industries in the public, private and non-profit sectors.  ...

  9. Environmental Rules- Are you in compliance?

    the consuming public. This scrutiny is from the farmstead to the retail center- watch out, there are ...

  10. The Ohio State University Receives Several Recognitions During the 2014 Joint Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) and the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS)

    those in industry, public administration, or academic administration qualify.” Dr. Normand St-Pierre ...
