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  1. Aug. 11: How One Town Grew from a Flood

    Registration, which includes a full breakfast, is $10 and is open to both members of the network and the public ...

  2. Ohio State ATI welcomes five new faculty

    Veterinary Public Health Management degree and most recently a Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Education. ...

  3. Hawkins Inducted into Animal Science Hall of Fame

    station reports, 11 extension publications, and 80 articles in other publications. In 1999, Hawkins ...

  4. Earth’s Biggest Challenges? Ohio State Students to Share Findings Tuesday

    Ohio Union Performance Hall, 1739 N. High St., in Columbus. Admission is free and open to the public ...

  5. Forestry

    making more informed decisions regarding stewardship of their acreage. Classes, workshops, publications ...

  6. EEOB Spring Seminar Series

    produced over 200 technical publications and he has edited three books dealing with marine ecology. Dr. ...

  7. Publications


  8. The Age of Sustainable Development

        *Please note that this event is free and open to the public. No registration required.       ...

  9. 2014 Publications

    2014 Publications Abreu FM, Cruppe LH, Maquivar M, Utt MD, Madsen CA, Vasconceloas JLM, Mussard ... International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 11(9):8645-60. Yilmaz A, Mohamed N, Patterson ... International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 11(9):9491-502. Yoder PS, St-Pierre NR, Weiss ...

  10. Faculty, graduate students present research at largest ornithological conference in history

    landscape scale in southeast Ohio's public forestland using habitat suitability index models” ...
