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  1. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    being directly affected, such as community managers and the general public. This webinar will provide an ...

  2. ESGP Seminar: Engaging the Public and Decision Makers on Climate Change

    University School of Communication on Friday, Feb. 1st. Nisbet will present Engaging the Public and Decision ...

  3. Ohio State Research: Intercrop Soybeans May Offer Higher Yields, Financial Boost Over Double Crop Soybeans

    and open to the public, said Jason Hartschuh, an OSU Extension agricultural and natural resources ...

  4. OSU Outreach and Engagement Forum

    the university. The event is free and open to the public. A listing of programs participating in the ...

  5. TWEL Kaley Donovan Thesis

    Songbird Habitat Models on the Landscape-scale in Southeast Ohio’s Public Forestland Kaley Jean ...

  6. A Diploma and a Job: Ohio State ATI Programs Put You on Path to Success

    including a 1,700-acre farm and an 18-hole public golf course, Hawk’s Nest. The golf course allows turfgrass ...

  7. morpc's Summit on Sustainability & the Environment

    climate-related impacts on public health, natural resources and infrastructure.  For more information or to ...

  8. OSU Extension Provides Critical Home Food Preservation Know-How

    time she and her colleagues, some of whom had worked in public health for decades, had seen a case of ...

  9. New Online Tool Helps Well Owners Understand Water Test Results

    wells for their water, said Cliff Treyens, director of public awareness for the National Ground Water ...

  10. News tips and events for the week of Feb. 18

    Specifically geared to Lake Erie charter captains and their businesses, but open to the public. Preregistration ...
