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  1. Students compete at CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum

    OSU undergraduates; and facilitates exchange between students, faculty, and the public. Participation ...

  2. Annie Specht Joins ACEL

    agricultural communication program.  In Nebraska, she currently teaches an introductory public relations ... production, agricultural publication production, and television production for agricultural journalists. ACEL ... among agriculture professionals.  More specifically, Annie studied public misconceptions of H1N1 ...

  3. Darke County 4-H Cloverbud Rocks!

    anyone can paint rocks! These fun and inspirational rocks are placed in parks and public walking/hiking ...

  4. Rumble hired as assistant professor of agricultural communication

    students and ACEL graduate students, and conduct a line of research around public perceptions of food and ...

  5. Undergraduate Transfer Credit

    Visit this site for more details about transfer credits. Did you attend a state (public ...

  6. News: Carrier of Lyme Disease, Blacklegged Ticks Now Established in Ohio

    blacklegged ticks and Lyme disease are now an emerging public health concern in Ohio, as tick populations ...

  7. New Fruit and Vegetable Pest Publications

    Ohio State University Extension has released four new publications producers and consumers. The ... publications-- on commercial vegetable production, Midwest tree fruit spraying, commercial small fruit and grape ... Extension Entomologist and an associate professor of entomology.  The publications include: “ 2013 Midwest ...

  8. Alumni recognized by CFAES Alumni Society

    purpose of the Meritorious Service Award is to give public recognition to non-alumni and/or alumni of the ... Award:  The Distinguished Alumni Award gives public recognition to those who have brought distinction to ...

  9. International Society of Arboriculture Honors Dan Herms

    the publication of timely information in the field of arboriculture. ISA President Terrence Flanagan ... of research and writing numerous publications to guide arborists, fellow scientists, and students in ... (1:03): Details on Dan Herms and his recent award. Herms has written more than 200 publications, including ...

  10. ACEL students participate in CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum

    research by Ohio State undergraduates; and facilitates exchange between students, faculty and the public ...
