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public rubber

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  1. Public Service: Is it Still a Career Choice?

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  2. Planning Creative Cities: Global Trends, Local Action

    Registration is open for the 2016 Barnett Symposium on the Arts and Public Policy, titled ... main event will be hosted at the Columbus Museum of Art. Cost is $50 for general public, $25 for ...

  3. Julie Fox Guest Editor of Metropolitan Universities Journal

    Networks." The journal is a publication of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU), an ...

  4. Inclusive Engagement Introductory Guide

    Institute for Civil Dialogue Civil Dialogue on Race Relationships The Educated Citizen and Public Health- ...

  5. From Natural Rubber to Medical Glove

    An Ohio State University researcher and her team have created the first medical glove that can block radiation while meeting federal guidelines and not triggering allergic reactions.  Check it out here. ...

  6. Come to the Farm Zone at the Butler County Fair!  For an accessible format of this publication, visit:  Butler County ...

  7. Dandelions Ruin Your Front Yard but Could Be the Future of the Rubber Industry

    Scientists have been tackling the vexing issue for decades, trying new tactics and engineering new equipment. Researchers have traveled to the high plains in Kazakhstan in pursuit. Companies and governments are spending heavily.  Their mission: Grow more ...

  8. 2018 Arbor Day Celebration of Trees at Chadwick Arboretum!

    The celebration included several honors, awards, and dedications. The 62-acre public arboretum, part ...

  9. Public Speaking and 4-H

    It is no secret that most people have a great fear of public speaking.  Most people would say ... verbal communication skills are an important part of our daily lives.  I use public speaking skills each ... 4-H advisors.  With technology and gadgets today, our teens are losing the value of good public ...

  10. National Prescription Drug Take Back Day

    convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the general public ...
