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  1. CFAES names Ahmed Yousef one of three 2020–2021 Distinguished Professors

    of sociological inquiry and her research to civil public discourse on often ‘wicked’ societal ...

  2. Master of Applied Economics Information Session

    and the general public. Please reach out to Sarah Cole at or 614-292-6432 with any ...

  3. Andersons Program-Teaching

    information please contact Ian Sheldon at AEDE 4003: "Economics of Public Policy ... Competitive Equilibrium The Welfare Theorems Production and Efficiency Public Goods Taxation and Economic ... Welfare Public Choice Welfare Economics and Ethics Externalities Externalities and Policy Tragedy of the ...

  4. Changing a Paradigm: Have We Simply Used the Drugs in the Wrong Way?

    initial publication in 2013, the news release by the American Society for Microbiology predicted that this ...

  5. SWACO partnering with The Ohio State University and City of Upper Arlington to study's food waste campaign's impact

    over 150,000 pounds of waste that would otherwise end up at the landfill,” said Jackie Thiel, Public ...

  6. 2015-2016 Agricultural Policy and Outlook Series Kicks Off on Dec. 7

    profitability in 2016. The county meetings, which are open to the public, will be held on the following dates: ...

  7. 12 Days of Experts: Farmers, Don’t Wait for New Year’s to Resolve Farm Bill Questions

    meetings are open to the public. A meal is provided with each meeting and is included in the registration ...

  8. OSU Economist: The Trans-Pacific Partnership Will Benefit the U.S. Agriculture Sector

    The meetings are open to the public. A meal is provided with each meeting and is included in the ...

  9. Cooperstone named Chair-Elect of Carotenoid and Retinoid Research Interest Group

    support the training of young researchers; and communicate to the wider research community and the public ...

  10. Master of Applied Economics Online Information Session

    and the general public. Please reach out to Andy Lugar at  or 614-292-3599 for any ...
