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  1. Office Opening: Monday, February 15, 2021

    following University, public health and the Governor's orders. This may require our office to close on ...

  2. Publications

    Publications For OSU Agriculture and Natural Resources fact sheets, visit Ohioline For OSU ... Agriculture and Natural Resources bulletins, visit CFAES Publications Business and Management Resources for ...

  3. Time is running out. Alumni Awards deadline approaches

    categories:   Meritorious Service Award:  The purpose of the Meritorious Service Award is to give public ... quest for excellence. Distinguished Alumni Award:  The Distinguished Alumni Award gives public ...

  4. Is it pandemic fatigue, winter blues, or Seasonal affective disorder?

    Center for Public Health Practice. At home SAD management techniques include yoga, tai chi, meditation, ...

  5. Nominate a friend or colleague for a 2021 CFAES Alumni Award

    categories:   Meritorious Service Award: The purpose of the Meritorious Service Award is to give public ... quest for excellence. Distinguished Alumni Award: The Distinguished Alumni Award gives public ...

  6. Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Universal Design in the Garden

    easier to use that a heavy rubber hose, and take up minimal storage space. Universal design solutions can ...

  7. Time and Change: The Ohio State Campaign

    recertification and advisory programs, and offering outreach services to the public through Ohio State Extension. ... sustainability, and sharing relevant findings relatable to the industry and general public. These themes align ... to achieve its potential on behalf of the public good and continue the land-grant mission for the ...

  8. 2020 Ohio Master Urban Farmer Workshop

    public and $50 for Franklin County Master Gardener Volunteers. REGISTRATION:  Space ...

  9. Webinar: Grief in the Age of the Coronavirus

    health and well-being. Join alumna Lois Hall, former executive director of the Ohio Public Health ...

  10. Spring Garden Walk Virtual Event with Charles Madison Nabrit Memorial Garden  or dial in 312-626-6799 Meeting ID 917 8983 8116 COST: Free and open to the public. ...
