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Ohio, Indiana and Illinois Weed Control Guide, Bulletin 789
Ohio, Indiana and Illinois Weed Control Guide, Bulletin 789. Publication gives detailed guidance ...
Agronomic Crops and YouTube
AgCrops videos you can also check out our publications page: One item ... There are two ways to become certified to apply fertilizer going forward. 1) attend on OSU 3-hour ... should be available by about February 1 st I hear. The FACT manual is the training publication for that ...
Ohio Certified Crop Adviser Pre-Exam Training Seminar
provide at the program the following publications in addition to the lectures: Ohio Agronomy Guide Ohio, ... professionals are judged. The purpose of a certification program is to protect the public and the profession. It ...
2020 Gardening During Covid-19
FactSheet on Soil Testing and includes a list of both private and public labs – some of the labs are ... OSU Extension FactSheet on Soil Testing and includes a list of both private and public labs – some ...
Extended Drydown in Corn K. Wise and D. Mueller. 2011. Are fungicides no longer just for fungi? An analysis of foliar ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-37
untreated ( The newspaper ... hoses, rubber gaskets and plastic pieces all around a sprayer, Yes, the sun usually helps reduce moisture ... in the air, but it also causes damage. Ultraviolet light softens and weakens rubber materials such ...
Why should you calibrate your sprayer, and how?
a 30-inch spacing, and 102 feet for a 40-inch spacing. (See extension publication FABE-520 for travel ... application rate takes some time. If you follow the equations given in Extension Publication FABE-520 on ...
Use the Field Guide to find answers for your crop problems
publications store: For the hardcopy, ...
Communicating With Your Landowner Meeting November 15
Farmers are invited to attend a public meeting on landowner communication. November 15 from 9 am ...
Emergency Forages to Plant Mid-Summer
as an Emergency Forage, Millets ...