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  1. University COVID-19 Dashboard

    The university has developed a data dashboard that will be updated weekly to inform the public ...

  2. Thoughts from the Director

    was executive director of the Public Services Institute at Lorain County Community College in Ohio. ...

  3. Ohio Victory Gardens Program set to Launch

    your clientele.   Several counties will be piloting seed distribution to encourage the public ...

  4. Thoughts from the Director

    statewide offices with expanded office hours open to the public, returning to more in-person programming, ...

  5. Programming Guidance

    to be closed to the public but still staffed according to their Return to Office Plan (can still ... public according to their Return to Office Plan with existing safety protocols in place.  You should ...

  6. Monarch Butterfly Earth Day Virtual Celebration via the Environmental Professionals Network – April 21

    virtual stage with leading Ohioans from private, public, and non-profit sectors who are taking ...

  7. Fallfest 2021

    this date, all leftover tickets will be released to the general public. Copy:  If you have questions, ...

  8. Our Inclusive Path Forward: Addressing Inequities in STEM Education

    14. All events are free and open to the public. The six-part series features lectures by national ...

  9. OSU Extension COVID-19 Information

    reopened our county offices fully to the public as of June 1. We have been leaders in creating safe work and ... learning environments during COVID-19, and we will continue to pay attention to the public health ... fluid.  Expectations:  Effective June 1, ALL county offices are open and accessible to the public ...

  10. Return-to-Office Planning Highlights

    Extension is also transitioning and planning to open our county offices fully to the public on June 1. We ... to pay attention to the public health information at the local levels to ensure we remain healthy. ... Tuesday, June 1, 2021, ALL offices are open and accessible to the public equivalent to pre-pandemic hours ...
