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  1. Ohio State’s Rattan Lal Receives International Agriculture Award

    United States, for example, is represented in GCHERA by the Association of Public and Land-grant ...

  2. Local Foods Tour Series- Sourcing and Retailing Local Foods

    producers.  It also provides a public gathering space where the community can learn more about local foods ...

  3. Citation Help

    Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Title of the Database or Web site. Web. Date you accessed the ... isn't a publisher or site sponsor use N.p.), 2013 (date of publication: day, month, year as available). ... Abbreviations for missing information No pages found n. pag. No date of publication n.d. No place of ...

  4. Ohio State ATI Scored 97/100 by Brookings Institution

    alumni. Among 1,507 two-year colleges, Ohio State ATI scores 97/100, the highest of any two-year public ...

  5. Youth Livestock Judging Team Informational Meeting

    evaluation and further developing their public speaking skills. Why is livestock judging important? Enhances ... decision making capabilities Oral reasons provide the framework for public speaking skills Builds ...

  6. New Ohio State App Helps Users Identify, Prevent and Control Bed Bugs

    a general panic when there is a bed bug sighting at work or other public place. “But that’s not a rational ...

  7. Faculty, staff honored at annual event

    services, and Frances Whited, public relations 20 Years- Connie Miller, horticulture 25 Years- Kim Sayers, ...

  8. Heather Pariso '10 films "Garden Gurl" episodes at Ohio State ATI

    taping. The exposure to the public about Ohio State ATI through these TV shows will be wonderful," ...

  9. Six honored by CFAES

    Award. The purpose of this award is to give public recognition to non-alumni and/or alumni of the College ... Alumni Award. This award gives public recognition to those who have brought distinction to themselves and ...

  10. Zika Virus: is it a threat to Ohioans?

    the public health goal will be twofold: control the mosquito population at large, and also prevent ... public health officials. The fact sheets are found under Communication Resources. The U.S. Food and Drug ... repellents, prevention, and the safety of the blood supply. Public Vector Control Efforts will depend on ...
