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public rubber

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  1. BTES Speaking Engagements

    advancement/development professionals from 4-year private and public colleges, she delivered the following ...

  2. Deadline: Office of International Affairs Academic Enrichment Grants

    Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Public Health Preparedness for Infectious Diseases (PHPID), and the ... global issues (e.g. public health, public policy, climate change, sustainability) in a regional context ... spectrum of interests and subject matter related to the Public Health Preparedness for Infectious Disease ...

  3. DEI Professional Development Workshop: Did They Really Just Say That?! Being an Active Bystander

    light snacks will be provided. Facilitator: Lena Tenney, MPA, MEd., Coordinator of Public Engagement, ...

  4. Bradford Sherman joins the staff of OSU South Centers

    publications editor for the Ohio State University South Centers. Bradford Sherman joined the staff last month ... in the role of a Program Assistant. In addition to editing a variety of publications – including ... perform general office-related tasks, and tap into his years of multimedia experience to help publicize ...

  5. Chlorobenzene

    a solvent for adhesives, drugs, rubber, paints and dry cleaning, and as a fiber-swelling agents in textile ...

  6. The Intersectionality of Blackness and Queerness: A Panel Discussion

    OSU students, staff, and faculty and the general public.  If you have any questions about ...

  7. Harmful Algal Blooms

    monitoring, standards for algal toxins for public beaches and drinking water, and requirements for public ...

  8. Crisis Intervention in Higher Education Webinar

    assignment, he advises and assists with public safety initiatives on all Kent State University campuses. This ...

  9. What's Your Bias? Exploring Implicit Bias: Opportunities to Address & Respond to Bias

    implicit bias. Lena Tenney is the coordinator of public engagement at the Kirwan Institute for the Study of ...

  10. Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)

    of, and to enhance the public understanding of an appreciation for Hispanics, Chicanos, Native ...
