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  1. U.S.-China Scientific and Cooperative Exchange Program, 2017

    Maryland to understand the importance of publicly funded agricultural research in priority areas of crop ...

  2. Team Academic Resources

    professional publications. Why? Because outsider assistance can have a substantial impact on new venture ... Submitting Extension Educational Materials for Publication: Submission and Peer Review Process Review of ...

  3. Urban Agriculture

    are great questions that many in the public are asking. Interestingly today, there are some surprising ... community did not rank well in regard to social and economic indicators, such as employment, poverty, public ... Park. This publication is a comprehensive guide that draws upon a foundation of national, state and ...

  4. Climate-Smart Agriculture

    11/1/2017-1/1/2018. Peer-Reviewed Publications Aksakal, E.L., Barik, K., Angin, I., Sari, S., and Islam, K.R. (2019) ...

  5. Team Collaborators

    USDA's publication, Direct Marketing Today Challenges and Opportunities, to refer to representatives from ...

  6. CSA Task Analysis

    Area A: Develop Marketing Strategies Duty Area B: Provide Customer Service & Public Relations Duty ...

  7. Maumee RAP

    October 1, 1987, when the first public meeting was held by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ... investigations in the AOC. The plan underwent public review in November 2005 and a draft was submitted to Ohio ...

  8. Top Tier Program

    ranked highly in the following key areas: ♦ Research (publications, grants) > Explore Faculty Research ...

  9. Walnut Action Group

    05060001-170.0 The purpose of the Walnut Action Group is to generate public awareness and participation to ...

  10. Aquaculture Boot Camp (ABC) achievements and impacts 2016

    participants. She will also be collecting data and writing project progress reports, publications, and news ...
