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  1. OARDC announces award winners at annual conference

    from CFAES, Purdue University, and Ohio State's colleges of Public Health and Arts and Sciences. ...

  2. Ohio State, Smucker's come together over coffee

    out to large- and medium-sized companies to create a new paradigm in public-private partnerships that ...

  3. What you should know about OARDC SEEDS, the OARDC Research Enhancement Competitive Grants Program

    stations and more than 7,500 acres of land across the state devoted to research, OARDC is the largest public ...

  4. Healthy, wealthy, and wise: What worksite wellness means to people... and how Extension helps

    out." One of those organizations is the Chillicothe and Ross County Public Library, where librarian ...

  5. 'You feel like family': 4-H'er to intern in Japan

    managing records and in working with others and with the public. I think those skills will be helpful for ...

  6. News: Ohio State ATI welcomes five new faculty members

    Scientists by examination. Subsequently she earned a Master of Veterinary Public Health Management degree and ...

  7. CFAES Diversity mini-grants announced

    Engineering Division, Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute, and Frances Whited, ATI, Public ...

  8. National 4-H Week / October 5 – 11, 2014

    many people fear public speaking more than death.  4-H teaches countless life skills used in our ... communities.  The idea of practical and hands-on came from the desire to connect public school education to ...

  9. Ohio State ATI welcomes five new faculty

    Veterinary Public Health Management degree and most recently a Graduate Certificate in Tertiary Education. ...

  10. Golf Driving Range Coming to CFAES Campus

    The range will not be open to the general public, as it is for teaching and research purposes. “The ...
