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  1. Business Retention and Expansion Program

    may include a member of the local chamber of commerce, public utility official, or local government ... surveys and an action-plan, and conduct public relations efforts. These can be conducted in an ongoing or ... issues Meetings to communicate results of the program to the public Prepare a list for the selection of ...

  2. New Nozzles for Spray Drift Reduction

    occur around the nozzle during spraying. This publication contains information only on some of the new ... University Extension Publication Bulletin 816 "Reducing Spray Drift."   Low-Drift Nozzles Raindrop® ... in this publication further reduce the risk of creating drift. They are more effective in reducing ...

  3. Your Old Barn: Reasons for Rehabilitation

    the public. An excellent example of a farm being restored for use as a public meeting and social ... studies included in the Barn Again! publication, A Guide to the Rehabilitation of Older Farm Buildings, on ...

  4. Bacillus cereus: A Foodborne Illness Confused with the 24-hour Flu

    recover without medical treatment. Public Health Consequences The exact number of  Bacillus  cereus cases ...

  5. Rusts of Apple

    to Bulletin 780, Controlling Diseases and Insects in Home Fruit Plantings. These publications can be ... obtained from your county Extension office or the CFAES Publications online bookstore at ...

  6. Botrytis Bunch Rot or Gray Mold of Grape

    order to reduce or eliminate the need for fungicide use. These publications can be obtained from your ... county Extension office or the CFAES Publications online bookstore at Figure 3. ...

  7. First Grade: Understanding Sibling Rivalry

    University Extension and Outreach. PDF. Edited by: Rose Fisher ...

  8. Sooty Blotch and Fly Speck of Apple

    publications can be obtained from your county Extension office or the CFAES Publications online bookstore at ...

  9. Improving Biomass Properties via Densification and Upgrading

      *Reference numbers have been substituted for the reference’s author name(s) and the publication date due to ... Caslin, Barry, John Finnan, Chris Johnston, Alistair McCracken, and Linda Walsh. Short Rotation ... ...

  10. Preservative-Treated Wood: A Sustainable Consumer Choice Brooks, K. (2009). Sustainability of the treated wood industry.  American Wood Protection ...
