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public rubber

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  1. Starting and Operating a Microenterprise Loan Fund

    Microenterprise loan programs are publicly managed programs that are usually managed by a city, county, or ... institutions, or other public or private sources such as foundations. The initial grant is loaned out and ... public and private institutions, including banks but also including nonprofit organizations that ...

  2. Utilizing Secondary Data for Business Retention and Expansion Planning and Reporting

    privately-owned and publicly-traded), non-profits, and government from 2004–2019. YE is a true business census of ... University. ... Administration. Zimmerman, Julie, and Daniel Kahl. 2018. “Finding Publicly Available Data for Extension Planning ...

  3. Types of Nutrition Incentives Offered at Ohio Farmers Markets and How They are Funded (Nutrition Incentives Series)

    Publications. Last updated in July 2019. ...

  4. Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle

    reveal gaps. Inspect and replace worn garage door seals. Rubber seals work better than vinyl seals in ... extension hose or wand and secured in place with a rubber band. As soon as the vacuum cleaner is turned off, ... rubber band closes around the stocking, effectively "bagging" the lady beetles. You can then ...

  5. Secondary Injury Prevention: Ergonomics for the Farm

    rubber). Dual-handled tools (like shears or pliers) should have a handle length of at least 4 inches. They ...

  6. African Swine Fever: A Severe Threat to Swine Herds Is on the United States’ Doorstep

    spread of ASFV. Public Health Consequences Humans are not infected by ASFV, and it cannot be transmitted ...

  7. The Living Will

    notarized by a notary public. Most states require that the witnesses not be family members or anyone working ...

  8. Spray Irrigation of Reclaimed Wastewater for Rural Homes

    treated wastewater in the yard. To ensure the protection of public health, therefore, bacteria levels in ... wastewater sprayed in public areas—like a lawn—should be 10 times lower than the level considered safe for ... no different. In addition, proper operation and maintenance are essential to protecting public health ...

  9. Analysis of Safety Issues for Fresh Produce

    According to a report released by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) in October 2009, ... shipping to state public health authority, and "DNA fingerprinting" to determine the specific ... 6. The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) searchable Outbreak Alert Database. ...

  10. Precision Agriculture Tools for On-Farm Research

    Accurate Yield Data and Avoiding Errors During Harvest.” Nebraska Extension Publications, University of ... Nebraska-Lincoln Extension. ...
