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  1. OSU CVM Veterinary Public Health Program

    get some more exposure to CVM faculty and staff and the field of public health! More information ...

  2. Certified Angus Beef Opportunities

    will fill  three  positions: one communications intern; one public relations + communications intern; ...

  3. Animal Health, Zoonoses, and Food Safety

    Immunologist Food Safety Specialist Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Specialist One Health and Public ... public health issues, sustainable animal agriculture, and more. Programs of graduate study leading to the ... present their work at scientific meetings and publish their results in peer-reviewed publications. CFAH ...

  4. "How the United States Withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership Benefits China"

    Published in "The University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law & Public Affairs", and co-authored ...

  5. Lisa Bielke Receives the Evonik Corporation Award for Achievement in Poultry Science

    include scientific relevance, major findings, publications, patents, applicability of findings, adoption ...

  6. CFAES and AEDE Distinguished Seniors selected

    (ASU). She continues to stay involved in these organizations and remains the Public Relations Chair for ...

  7. Dairy Research Position

    effectively manage multiple projects Enthusiasm for engagement with students and the public in a variety of ...

  8. University of Arkansas- Animal Science Graduate Research

    collection, program implementation, animal husbandry, data analyses, technical writing and public speaking. ... needs. Scholarly activity resulting in peer reviewed publications and presentations is required. This ... analyses, technical writing and public speaking. Teaching undergraduate courses in animal science may also ...

  9. Canaries in a coal mine: Energy transitions in Appalachian coal regions, and a roadmap for the rocky transition out of coal

    maintaining sufficient population to provide public services and retain critical businesses to begin the ...

  10. Farmland Values and Cash Rental Rates In Ohio – Will Strong Markets Continue?

    Ohio NASS: ... This survey and the results are reflective of the thoughts of survey participants in early 2021. ...
