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  1. Chagrin River Watershed Partners, Inc.

    rising infrastructure costs and threats to public and private property created by the loss of natural ...

  2. On-Farm Assessment & Environmental Review (OFAER) Program

    stewardship, minimize livestock impact on watersheds, improve the public's perception of livestock ...

  3. B-W Greenway Community Land Trust

    mission of the B-W Greenway Community is to educate the public about the value of wetlands and the ...

  4. Friends of the Hocking River (FOHR)

    canoeing. The mission of FOHR is "To preserve the environmental integrity, educate the general public ...

  5. Total Coliform Bacteria

    used as an indicator that other, potentially-harmful, bacteria may be present. PUBLIC WATER SYSTEMS- ... hauled water storage tanks that receive water from a public water supply, the lab results for a 100 ml ...

  6. Protecting Income Over Feed Cost Margin on U.S. Dairy Farms

    characterized by low feed prices and very stable milk prices supported through an active public stock-holding ... by the dairy industry in the United States.  These include a quasi-private-public insurance product ... the past decade.  This has led to an increased focus on providing, whether private or public, more ...

  7. Results of Dairy Skillathon and Dairy Judging Clinics at Ohio State Fair

    publications: A new bulletin board outside of my office also helps to tell the ...

  8. Dairy Farm Labor

    A (Publication 51), Agricultural Employers Tax Guide, Rev. January 2003. State & School District Income Taxes ... Agribusiness/Farm Management and Bernie Erven publications) Agr. Business Enhancement Center, ...

  9. Dairy Leaders Honor Ohio's World Championship Industry During June Dairy Month Celebration

    have come together to form the Ohio Dairy Industry Forum which, through quarterly forums, publications ...

  10. Manure Storage and Land Application- Where are we going? How fast can we get there?

    horizon as research efforts begin and air quality issues play out in the scientific, policy, and public ...
