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  1. 2019 Spring Plant Sale and Auction Fundraiser

    Public Premium tree and shrub auction Fri. at 4:00 p.m., Sat. at 10:00 a.m.  All Sides with Ann Fisher ...

  2. Meet the Young Alumni Academy's CFAES members

    and monthly presentations, I hope to further develop skills like public speaking and ...

  3. EPN Breakfast- Perspectives on the Maple Industry Through the Lens of Forestry, Business, and Policy Development- Columbus, Ohio

    seeking to incentivize maple tree production. The EPN Breakfast series is open to the public and the $10 ...

  4. Metroparks Toledo Recognized as Friend of OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program

    benefits the larger community and the public that we serve. MGVs run the Horticulture Hotline out of the ...

  5. Healthy and Frugal Food

    The Toledo Lucas Public Library is hosting classes and information tables all at the Main Library ... creativity lab in the Children's Library! Check out the Toledo Lucas County Public Library website for ...

  6. EPN Breakfast- Flooding- A National, State and Local Issue- We Are All Part of the Solution- Columbus, Ohio

    state-specific flooding issues and management. The EPN Breakfast series is open to the public and the $10 ...

  7. Emeritus Academy Lecture Series- How to Survive in Antarctica: Lessons from an Insect

    Emertus Academy lecture series.  The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required.  ...

  8. Wooster Science Cafe- Death by Dust?- Wooster, Ohio

    The Wooster Science Cafe invites the public for lively conversation and insights on current ...

  9. "Understanding the Amish: Persistence and Change" a lecture by Joseph Donnermeyer, SENR Professor Emeritus

    research and creative activities. Lectures are free and open to the public.  This lecture will guide the ...

  10. Sharing Practical Research with Farmers

    very excited about the brand new publication of its 2017 Report.  This gives farmers real data that ...
