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  1. ESS Templates & Brand Guidelines

    ESS Lab, including reports, publications, and presentations, should use the provided templates. ...

  2. Wheat Field Day

    identification and management. The deadline to register for the event, which is free and open to the public, is ...

  3. EPN Breakfast Club

    breakfast, and is open to both members of the network and the public. The deadline to register is Feb. 22. ...

  4. Our Students

    policy attitudes through an online survey of an issue public (Slagle, Bruskotter, and Wilson, 2012). I’ve ... tolerance for black bears in Ohio (Slagle, et al, accepted for publication in the Journal of Wildlife ...

  5. Online Food Directories for Ohio Consumers

    products directly to the public via CSA programs, Farmers' Markets, Food Coops, u-picks, farm stands, ...

  6. Organic Crop Field Day

    hold a free public field day featuring new findings and projects related to certified organic research. ...

  7. April

    and transportation, public health, nonprofit research centers, GIS specialists, and many more.  The ...

  8. 2016 OSU CARES Seed Grants

    John Glenn College of Public Affairs; Glennon Sweeney, research associate, Kirwan Institute for the ...

  9. Handprinter Presentation and Discussion: A Tool to Improve Sustainability Literacy at Ohio State

    of Public Health and Visiting Professor, Applied Sustainability Center at the University of Arkansas ...

  10. Pressure Canner Guage Testing Guidelines

    general public to contact their local Extension office to have their pressure canner gauge checked. OSU ...
