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public rubber

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  1. Federal grant funds Ohio State study of plant biofuel potential

    breeding and/or genetic manipulation. They also will develop a public seed collection of pennycress mutants ...

  2. CFAES Student Elected National FFA Officer

    sponsors, government and education officials, state FFA leaders, the general public, and others. The team ...

  3. New partnership planned with Beck's Hybrids: Goal is to 'put students first'

    developing a detailed plan for moving this public-private partnership forward to "put students ...

  4. Bucks win tractor: Finalists for Excellence in Agriculture award

    really like that Farm Bureau is about building leadership and agricultural public policies,” Emily said ...

  5. Keys to reducing H3N2v flu risk? Public awareness, keeping sick pigs away from fairs

    another." Public awareness is crucial Saif's colleague  Chang-Won Lee,  who specializes in the study of ... public about how influenza viruses work is crucial to more effectively reducing human illnesses, avoiding ...

  6. Six Ukrainian professors observe college teaching, Extension efforts

    public, private, and non-profit organizations to learn how all work in an integrated and strategic fashion ...

  7. FREE Webinar- Adapting Greenhouses to Meet ADA Guidelines

    important that newly constructed greenhouses, if public places of accommodation, are not only accessible and ...

  8. Safety Considerations for Hay Baling Season

    the weight of the load. When transporting bales on a public roadway, properly secure the bales on the ...

  9. FRESH: The New Frontier for Ag safety and Health Resources

    unbiased, research based information to the general public. Register by going to ...

  10. FREE Webinar- Adapting Greenhouses to Meet ADA Guidelines

    It is important that newly constructed greenhouses, if public places of accommodation, are not only ...
