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  1. Fayette MGVs Sponsor County's First Daylily Show

    Plans included a class for the public on how to properly prepare a daylily for a show.       The show ... was a one-day show that anyone could enter. On the day of the show, the judging was open to the public ...

  2. 2018 Arbor Day Celebration of Trees at Chadwick Arboretum!

    The celebration included several honors, awards, and dedications. The 62-acre public arboretum, part ...

  3. Outstanding Volunteers, Friends and Projected Recognized

    Butterfly & Pollinator Garden, the third phase to the Outdoor Learning Center for Conneaut City Public ... newspaper articles on 15 of the most common Ohio Invasive Species in order to educate the public about the ... spread the word about the MGV program and helped educate the public about the items displayed. Invasive ...

  4. 4-H Walk and Serve

    non-profit organization. Club members educate the the public about the needs of their organization and how they are filling ...

  5. Environmental Professionals Network

    drinking water safe, address public health concerns and engage stakeholders in the process to reduce and ...

  6. About Us

    maintenance of a public garden. Ohio State faculty provide input into the collections and plant material ...

  7. Chadwick Plant Sale and Auction

    Fisher” public affairs radio program will broadcast live on Friday morning.  Admission both days is free, ... a discount on Chadwick Arboretum plants. Open to the Public:   Friday, May 12, 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. ...

  8. Hardin MGVs Emphasize the Importance of Native Plants

    A Native Plant Program.” The goal of the program was to increase both the public awareness of the need to ...

  9. Hardin MGVs Emphasize the Importance of Native Plants

    A Native Plant Program.” The goal of the program was to increase both the public awareness of the need to ...

  10. Hardin County’s Evening Garden Affair Attracts a Crowd

    AgrAbility Program to present a public program on Gardening with Arthritis and Gardening as We Age. The crowd ...
