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  1. Butler County Farm Day

    This event is free and open to the public. Butler County Farm Day Flyer ...

  2. PULLL app lets your participate in Pelotonia by doing what you're already doing There's another exciting way to participate in Pelotonia by getting credit for what many of ...

  3. HEAL MAPPS Community Involvement

    that can be applied to a variety of public health problems where understanding how the interaction of ... Cari Wynne, Butler County Educational Service Center, and Lakota Public Schools. For details regarding ...

  4. Local Foods

    of great public interest and need. Ohio State University Extension's local foods programs are ...

  5. Sun Safety

    TRANSPARENCIES [PPT] Publications Protect Your Skin Brochure [PDF] Resources Loan Resources [PDF] Sun Safety ...

  6. Six honored by CFAES

    Award. The purpose of this award is to give public recognition to non-alumni and/or alumni of the College ... Alumni Award. This award gives public recognition to those who have brought distinction to themselves and ...

  7. Breakout Session Descriptions

    Bohlen Substance Misuse, addiction, and mental illness are challenging public health issues that are ...

  8. Increased CNG Fueling Stations Provide Ohio Businesses with Cost Saving Opportunities

    to two major highways, the station will be open to the public as well.  Kalmbach’s recent ... Like Kalmbach Feeds, Smith also constructed and operates its own public CNG fueling station. Proposed ... gas-powered vehicle conversions and new purchases of CNG powered vehicles to public (non-profit) entities as ...

  9. News: Annual Garden Open House is Aug. 7 and 8

    MacDowell Music Club). The event is free and open to the public. Extensive free parking is located on ...

  10. News: Faculty, staff honored for service, scholarship, teaching and advising

    Frances Whited, public relations 20 Years- Connie Miller, horticulture 25 Years- Kim Sayers, business ...
