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  1. Make Your Life Sweet Not Your Drink

    public places. Part of the American Heart Association’s EmPOWERED to Serve series WHEN: Tuesday, March 5, ...

  2. Healthy Eating for Cancer Prevention

    Westerville Public Library, 126 S State Street,Meeting Room A, Westerville, OH 43081 COST:  Free REGISTER HERE ...

  3. Abigail R.X.P. Thiel

    cemented Abby’s interest in public sector work. In the role, she cultivated an all new set of professional ... skills, gaining literacy in public ordinances, familiarizing herself with engineering and architectural ... plans, making presentations to the public, and learning the decision-making processes that guide ...

  4. Yellowstone to Yukon: Enhancing Rocky Mountain animal migration through remote sensing and international collaboration

    protected land and public support for maintaining migration corridors in the region. With support from Ohio ...

  5. Agribusiness and Applied Economics

    Representative Natural Resource Economist Political Lobbyist Public Policy Analyst Research Economist Small ... In participating, students hone their skills in market research, business writing, and public ...

  6. Elizabeth M. Strine

    the opportunity to communicate directly with the public about the hard work, selflessness, and pride ...

  7. Alexandria A. Ott

    Ally’s confidence and expand her professional network. She credits the internships with honing her public speaking ...

  8. Claire M. Meyer

    Claire her greatest sense of accomplishment. As a Communications and Public Relations Intern, Claire ...

  9. Elena M. McGoey

    publications in which Elena is credited as second author. Her Honors Research Distinction project under the ...

  10. Recognition of historical injustices in agriculture and the importance of environmental experiences for racial healing

    system. 10:15 a.m. Karima Samadi, policy analyst, food systems, Center for Public Health Innovation, ... Columbus Public Health, and  Minister Aaron K. Hopkins  (chief executive officer and farm visionary, South ...
