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public rubber

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  1. Dr. Robyn Wilson

    management decisions on private and public lands. Dr. Wilson is very active as a leader on campus and in her ...

  2. Innovative Tech Shows Promise to Boost Rubber Production in US

    With disease and high demand posing threats to the world’s primary natural rubber supply in ... Southeast Asia, scientists are working to ramp up the U.S. rubber market by advancing methods to extract ... Researchers reported their methods to improve efficiency and increase latex yield in two recent publications ...

  3. Dr. Kristi Lekies

    Wisconsin-Stout B.A., Social Work, University of Wisconsin-Madison Selected Publications Fix, P., Larson, L.,  ... science: Public collaboration in environmental research  Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.  Lekies, ...

  4. Dr. Jeff S. Sharp

    (occasional offerings) PUBLICATIONS Schupp, Justin L., Rebecca L. Som Castellano, Jeff S. Sharp and Molly ...

  5. Scout Fruit Trees For Pesky Pests Creeping Out As Temperatures Rise

    publication. Commercial growers can reference the “Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide”. All of these ... publications can be found on or by contacting your local county extension office. Frank ...

  6. Dr. Jeremy Brooks

    relate to synergies and tradeoffs between well-being and sustainability?  Selected publications that ...

  7. Dr. Douglas Jackson-Smith

    (graduate) Research Methods (graduate) Research Design (graduate) Selected Publications Books National ...

  8. Current Project Summaries Public Lands and Visitor Use Management These projects examine factors that influence ... decision-making related to the management of visitors on public lands (e.g., national wildlife refuges, parks, or ...

  9. Nate King-Smith

    quantifying and utilizing this plant's naturally high rubber content for sustainable, alternative rubber ...

  10. Dandelions and shrubs to replace rubber, new grains and more: Are alternative crops realistic?

    rubber substances they produce and uses special machines to dip them into condoms, medical gloves and ...
