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  1. Policy-making and Regulations Links

    policy/law review, and litigation to protect land, water, wildlife, and the public’s right to a healthy ... (organization for public interest environmental legal advocacy and for eco-business innovation; affiliated with ... challenges to government programs/activities; represents stewardship of natural resources and public ...

  2. Biodiversity, Nature, and Natural History Links

    careers/certifications; education; blogs/publications/communication on current issues; established in 1915 in Columbus) ... community and public; interactive viewer for maps, photos, data, stories, by state too) Ohio Pheasants ...  (many resources for professionals and educators; many publications) National Fish and Wildlife ...

  3. Give-em a Pickle Customer Service- Online Workshop

    service to students, the public and even our co-workers. Our job is to serve our customers by giving them ...

  4. Wildlife- Biodiversity, Nature and Natural History Links

    careers/certifications; education; blogs/publications/communication on current issues; established in 1915 in Columbus) ... community and public; interactive viewer for maps, photos, data, stories, by state too) Ohio Pheasants ...  (many resources for professionals and educators; many publications) National Fish and Wildlife ...

  5. OSU Extension Signature Programs

    educating farmers, youth and the general public about the importance and management of soil health. ...

  6. Section III: User Fees for Extension Programs

    a user fee will depend upon: the purpose of the program in relation to the public/private good continuum ... for each participant, as a flat rate for a program, as an additional charge for publications, etc. ... Training, and OSU Learning Centers. Each of the units is using the public good/private good continuum to ...

  7. Spent foundry sand’s second life: OK to use in some soils

    A study by two OARDC scientists played a key role in a recent public health and environmental risk ... including making soil blends for residential use, are not a threat to public health or the environment and ...

  8. Communiqué May 14, 2014

    coasters are 3.6” diameter x 1/8” hard-surface coaster material, plastic front and rubber-backed. The ...

  9. Urban Conservation and Stormwater Management Links

    approach: watershed and stormwater services, research, training, publications, webinars) Center for ... Services USGS American Public Works Association US Army Corp of Engineers) Association of Clean Water ... Trust for Public Land (also supports urban parks and nature; Visioning Service uses GIS models to assess ...

  10. Materials Management Links

    Facts and Figures   Publications   RCRA Online   Waste Environmental Management ... (serves municipal solid waste professionals with conferences, certifications, publications, technical ... public/private organizations for stewarding the pesticide life cycle; education, training, outreach at local, ...
