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  1. Scarlet, Gray and Green Fair- Wooster, Ohio

    celebrates, educates and demonstrates that “Green is for Life!” Free to the public, the fair features exhibits ...

  2. Buck-I-Run- Columbus, Ohio

    $25 for general public Register here. ...

  3. EPN Field Trip- A Walking Tour of the Lower Olentangy- Columbus, Ohio

    (and other public) water quality and ecosystem monitoring efforts. Register here.    ...

  4. Meet the Young Alumni Academy's CFAES members

    and monthly presentations, I hope to further develop skills like public speaking and ...

  5. EPN Breakfast- Perspectives on the Maple Industry Through the Lens of Forestry, Business, and Policy Development- Columbus, Ohio

    seeking to incentivize maple tree production. The EPN Breakfast series is open to the public and the $10 ...

  6. Extension Professional's Conference

    the public institutions of which I am a part. I Believe in my own work and in the opportunities I have ...

  7. Understanding and Treating Dairy Calf Diarrhea

    a barrier to keep bacteria out.  According to a University of Minnesota publication, 95% of this type of ...

  8. EPN Breakfast- Flooding- A National, State and Local Issue- We Are All Part of the Solution- Columbus, Ohio

    state-specific flooding issues and management. The EPN Breakfast series is open to the public and the $10 ...

  9. Wayne County Rural Youth "Square and Line Dance"

    7:30.  Admission is $4/person and refreshments will be served.  The public is invited and all ages are ...

  10. Rain Damage to Hay

    publication says, “Each time cut forages are wetted by rain, respiration is prolonged or begins again in cases ... forage, summarized from the University of Wisconsin publication are: For a given rainfall amount, a low ...
