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  1. ‘Special type of leader’: McPheron named Ohio State provost

    Agriculture for the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU). As dean of CFAES, McPheron ...

  2. The First Utility Scale Wind Projects in Ohio

    scale projects, including facilitating public meeting on the pros and cons, and researching potential ...

  3. Documentation

    content, and arranging the content in the navigation (primary links) menu. The main public navigation ...

  4. The Truth About Food- The role of Science in Public Affairs Journalism

    Advance Registration is requested. ...

  5. Pastures and Pipelines

    operators to reserve the right to construct a private or public road across the easement as the farm expands ...

  6. Better Process Control School

    prevent public health problems in low-acid and acidified low-acid canned foods. All processors of these ...

  7. Key Considerations to Help Evaluate an On-Farm Solar Energy Proposal

    electric bill. A  list of utility contacts  can be found on the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) ...

  8. 2014 Alumni Awards Luncheon

    gives public recognition to those men and women who have brought distinction to themselves; the College ... Meritorious Service Award is to give public recognition to non-alumni and/or alumni of the college who have ... Teacher (2004) and is a repeat recipient of the Research Productivity Award. With over 400 publications of ...

  9. Stone Laboratory Research Brief- Renewable Energy Development: Aiding Public Officials in the Decision Making Process

    In Ohio, county commissioners are faced with the difficult decision of approving or denying alternative energy zones in their community. This decision can generate millions of dollars in local tax revenue, but will alter the landscape of the community for ...

  10. Blog Entries

    by the public. Inserting Images You might come across a situation where the Attached Images field ...
