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  1. Darren Drewry receives ORAU Powe Award

    priorities to serve the public interest. The award grants seed funding for research and professional growth ...

  2. Informing Operations at Dawes Arboretum based on Ohio Climate Change

    climate change continues to influence ecosystems, public gardens are faced with the challenge of ... weather challenges are now well known and many impacts are already evident. Arboreta and public gardens ... revegetating working lands with diverse native prairie. Basing species selection on current publications, both ...

  3. Aging and Eating: CANCELLED

    session is free and open to the public. Please call 614-234-4660 to register. ...

  4. OSU Extension offices throughout Ohio will implement teleworking options for staff amid current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak concerns

    Extension offices will be closed to the public until further notice. This mirrors The Ohio State ... “critical services” only (such as law enforcement and public safety; hospitals and health services; facility ...

  5. Garden Planning, Methods, and Strategies

    and questions. These events are free and open to the public.  Thursday, February 27: Gardening ...

  6. FABE Leads Record Number of Undergrad Engineering Specialties Ranked by US News

    Overall, Ohio State’s undergraduate engineering program again ranks first in Ohio, and 16th among public ... universities nationwide. Among both public and private institutions, Ohio State’s College of Engineering ranks ... rankings, at 25th, 27th and 33rd, respectively. The  publication’s rankings of undergrad engineering ...

  7. Managing Water Resources – Local, Global (Joint Environmental Professionals Network and Water Management Association of Ohio Meeting)

    Public Utilities   Susan Ashbrook, JD, Assistant Director/Sustainability, Columbus Dept. of Public ... the next 20 years by the Department of Public Utilities. The official approval letter was received ...

  8. Transplanting: Cancelled

    Come to one or all of the sessions. All events are free and open to the public.  Thursday, February 13 ...

  9. CFAES & FABE 2021 Distinguished Seniors

    joined the Andre Palmer Artificial Blood Research Lab. Her hard work led to her publication as the lead ...

  10. Update on Office Closure

    be closed to the public until further notice. We will continue to work and serve local clientele ...
