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public rubber

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  1. Duty Area A:

    (e.g., loans, member-ships, grants) 8 Conduct outreach activities (e.g., displays, public speaking ...

  2. Secrest Arboretum 24th Annual Plant Sale

    Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison Ave., in Wooster. Admission is free and open to the public ... the 115-acre public arboretum, which is part of OARDC. OARDC in turn is part of The Ohio State ...

  3. Field Crops Day at Northwest Research Station

    operations and apply it,” said Davis. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact ...

  4. Two aquaculture books completed in 2017

    conservationists to control invasive species using sex control approach. This publication will provide useful ...

  5. ODA Private Pesticide Applicator Test

    or apply to publicly-accessible sites. Private Applicator Tests include Core and the following ...

  6. Secrest Arboretum Plant Sale Is May 13

    public. A plant sale runs for the duration of the event. A silent auction goes from 9 to 11 a.m. Lists of ... outreach programs in the 115-acre public arboretum, which is part of OARDC. OARDC in turn is part of The ...

  7. Bergefurd receives Distinguished Service Award from The National Association of County Agricultural Agents 2015

    publications, and teaches on plasticulture strawberry, vegetable crop and hops production, produce auction ...

  8. CFAES Dean Named to State Livestock Care Standards Board

    2011. At its meetings, the board receives public input on its rules that, if violated, can come with ...

  9. Mandela Washington Fellowship Reciprocal Visit to Ghana

    following areas: Business and Entrepreneurship, Civic Leadership, Public Management, and Energy. Programs ...

  10. Industry and Researcher Round Table on the Future of Food Fish/Shrimp Production in Ohio

    public’s perspective on farming and will occur over time through active communication, high-quality ...
