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  1. Emerald Ash Borer

    options in the publication Insecticide Options for Protecting Ash Trees from Emerald Ash Borer. For an ...

  2. Our Students

    policy attitudes through an online survey of an issue public (Slagle, Bruskotter, and Wilson, 2012). I’ve ... tolerance for black bears in Ohio (Slagle, et al, accepted for publication in the Journal of Wildlife ...

  3. Dairy Leaders Honor Ohio's World Championship Industry During June Dairy Month Celebration

    have come together to form the Ohio Dairy Industry Forum which, through quarterly forums, publications ...

  4. Manure Storage and Land Application- Where are we going? How fast can we get there?

    horizon as research efforts begin and air quality issues play out in the scientific, policy, and public ...

  5. Weebles Wobble  Look under the “New Publications” heading on the home page.  A final, critical key number for your ...

  6. het land van de Friese koeien en paarden (The Land of Friesian Cows and Horses)

    public’s push for preserving the pastoral setting. The OSU students who participated in the Netherlands ...

  7. Managing Dairy Cows During Heat Stress

    to a Virginia Tech publication, fans should be spaced 30 feet apart for a 36 inch fan and 40 feet ...

  8. April

    and transportation, public health, nonprofit research centers, GIS specialists, and many more.  The ...

  9. Livestock Judging Team Meeting- CANCELLED TONIGHT!!

     *   Enhances decision making capabilities  *   Oral reasons provide the framework for public ...

  10. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in the Midwest for the Second Year in a Row

    successive years. At this time, CDC considers the risk to the general public from these H7 viruses to be low ...
