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  1. Educational Forum: Building Resilient Communities in a Changing Climate- Columbus, Ohio

    central Ohio communities will present the challenges facing local infrastructure and the public health ... on challenges facing professionals in transportation, water and energy utilities, and public health ...

  2. Congratulations to the Department of Animal Sciences Outstanding Students Recognized by the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences!

    of the Council. Hannah Maggard – served as Secretary Cameron White – served as Public Relations ...

  3. End of Season Projects

    is free and open to the public.  ...

  4. 4H Meets the Metro Parks

    include birds, trees, and creeking (bring some shoes that can get wet). This event is open to the public ...

  5. Ribbon-Cutting Commemorates a New Anchor for Waterman

    lab, and a rooftop garden, at the private reception Nov. 15. A public celebration is planned for the ...

  6. OSU Alumni Band Performance- Worthington, Ohio

    open to the public.  More information is available here.   ...

  7. Museum of Biological Diversity Open House- Columbus, Ohio

    free and open to the public. There will be hands-on activities for all ages, live animals, and a chance to ...

  8. Chadwick Arboretum Open House- Columbus, Ohio

    The public is invited to Chadwick Arboretum for an afternoon of refreshments, canoeing, fishing, ...

  9. Garden Planning, Methods, and Strategies Workshop

    University Extension invite the public to join them in a workshop series to help plan for the 2018 growing ... season. All meetings start at 5:30 p.m. and are free to the public. Topics include: • Wednesday, 1/24 –Garden ...

  10. Summer Garden Walk #2

    fertilizers and more. This event is free and open to the public.   ...
